We believe in getting the right product to the right people at the right time.These generous donations provide hope and transform the lives of millions of individuals who have been impacted by food hunger, disasters and other challenging life circumstances.
Your purchase has the power to make a positive impact on the world.The causes that matter to you, matter to us, which is why we are donating proceeds of your purchase to the cause of your choice at no extra cost to you.
We are partners with FEEDING AMERICA. Their mission is to end hunger in America for those people who do not get the meals they need to thrive like children and seniors. They work to get nourishing food – from farmers, manufacturers, and retilers – to people in need. With the help of you, they will do the work better. And we will cooperate with more communities to help more.
Donation Details
We will donate 1‰ of the purchase price from your eligible purchases to FEEDING AMERICA when you purchase our bag.
Currently we make the donation to Feeding America monthly, and you can track at https://www.feedingamerica.org/.
Transaction ID
- March 2021: 20K07695MT1868534
- April 2021: 8711033
- May 2021: 8743084
- June 2021: 8901151
- July 2021: 9032226